Selected working papers

(2024). Socioeconomic Disparities in Latin America among Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples. Submitted. Presentations (including scheduled): AEA Annual Meeting 2024 and Expanding LGBTI Economic Development and Empowerment Workshop.

Preprint Video

(2021). When Measure Matters: Coresidence Bias and Intergenerational Mobility Revisited. Revision requested at Journal of Applied Econometrics. Presentations (including scheduled): CEA 2022, LACEA Annual Meeting 2022, Opportunity and Mobility Workshop at LSE, and ECINEQ meeting.

PDF Slides

(2021). Does It Matter Where You Grow Up? Childhood Exposure Effects in Latin America and the Caribbean. Revision requested at Economic Development and Cultural Change. Presentations (including scheduled): CUNY Graduate Center, Development Bank of Latin America, RED 2022 Academic Workshop, Second World Inequality Conference, SOLE 2022, Universidad Diego Portales, 16th North American Meeting of the Urban Economics Association, WIDER Development Conference, and AEA Annual Meeting (AEA’s poster session).

PDF Slides Video

(2020). Intergenerational Educational Mobility within Chile. Revision requested at Estudios de Economia. Presentations: CUNY Graduate Center 2020, and WEAI 2021.


(2020). Pre-testing for Unobserved Cluster Effects and Inference in Panel Data Sets. Presentations: CUNY Graduate Center 2020, NY camp econometrics 2020 (canceled), EEA 2020, WEAI 2020, Stata conference 2020, and SEA 2020.


(2019). Momentum in Repeated Competition: Exploiting the Fine Line between Winning and Losing. Rej. and resubmit. Presentations: CUNY Graduate Center 2020 and EEA 2020.


Work experience


Economist at the Gender and Diversity Division

The Inter-American Development Bank

Nov 2022 – Present Washington DC
Support gender and diversity mainstreaming in operational, analytical, and strategic activities. Lead research on gender and diversity topics. Engage with gender and diversity specialists in other multilateral and bilateral institutions, academic institutions, think tanks, NGOs, and professional bodies to promote collaborations.

Extended Term Consultant at the Poverty and Equity Global Practice (Equity Policy Lab)

The World Bank

Jul 2021 – Oct 2022 Washington DC
Development of a state-of-the-art microsimulation model for distributional impacts of climate change and climate action that is being used in several CCDRs (e.g., Vietnam, Rwanda, Sahel, the Philippines, among others). Support in training staff about the use of macro-micro models for distributional impacts of climate change by preparing sessions for the community of practice in the Poverty GP and sessions in the World Bank “Learning Days”. Lead a CEQ assessment and the creation a fiscal simulation tool for Tanzania.

Short Term Consultant at the Development Research Group (Poverty and Inequality)

The World Bank

May 2019 – Jun 2021 Washington DC
Co-authored a paper about intergenerational income mobility that required harmonizing more than 60 household surveys and writing several ado-files to produce estimates using two-sample two-stage least squares. Helped with paper that required identifying, obtaining, and working with ten complex longitudinal surveys.

Short Term Consultant at the Macroeconomics, Trade & Investment Global Practice

The World Bank

Jul 2018 – Jun 2019 Washington DC
Co-authored two background papers for a report on LAC’s fiscal policy and supported the report’s preparation.

Research Associate

Stone Center on Socio-Economic Inequality

Jan 2018 – May 2021 Washington DC
Co-authored two research papers related to unit nonresponse in surveys. Supported the creation of the GC Wealth Inequality Dashboard by putting together a data set of wealth inequality from different sources for many countries.

Consultant at the Labor Markets Division

Inter-American Development Bank

Mar 2016 – Aug 2016 Washington DC
Co-authored a paper about wage inequality using employer-employee data in Latin America.

Short Term Consultant at the Development Research Group (Human Development)

The World Bank

Mar 2016 – Aug 2016 Washington DC
Provided research assistance for a project related to pension knowledge acquisition using a longitudinal survey.

Economic and Financial Analyst at the Research Division

Central Bank of Chile

Feb 2010 – Aug 2014 Santiago, Chile
Developed a research agenda on forecasting that resulted in 6 peer-reviewed papers and 3 working papers. Worked as an adviser to the board member Joaquin Vial. Constructed the international macroeconomic scenario relevant for Chile in each monetary policy report



Lecturer of Introduction to econometrics (x5)

Aug 2017 – May 2020 City College of New York

Lecturer of Introduction to macroeconomics

Mar 2014 – Jul 2014 Universidad de Santiago

Graduate teaching assistant of Finance at the MBA (x3)

Jul 2011 – Dec 2013 Universidad de Chile

Teaching Assistant of Introduction to economics (x3)

Mar 2010 – Dec 2011 Universidad Diego Portales

Fellowships, grants, awards, and honors

  1. Travel grant to present at the Expanding LGBTI Economic Development and Empowerment in Rome
  2. ESW Grant, Inter-American Development Bank ($130K)
  3. Travel grant to present at the ISI World Statistics Congress in Canada
  4. Travel grant to present at the Data-Intensive Research Conference in Minneapolis
  5. Travel grant to present at the WIDER Development Conference 2022 in Colombia
  6. IPUMS International Research Award 2021 (best graduate student paper)
  7. Mario Capelloni Dissertation Fellowship, award ($25K) for students of high academic merit who show exceptional promise in their field, CUNY, 2021
  8. Dissertation selected for presentation at Inside the Graduate Center: A Dissertation Showcase 2021
  9. Development Bank of Latin America Research Grant ($2K)
  10. Provost’s University Fellowship ($5.5K), CUNY, Spring 2021
  11. Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies Research Grant ($1.5K), CUNY, 2021
  12. Doctoral Student Research Grant ($1.3K), CUNY, Spring 2021
  13. Doctoral Student Research Grant ($1K), CUNY, Spring 2019
  14. Travel grant to attend the CGU Dissertation Workshop, 2019
  15. Travel grant to attend the HCEO Summer School on Socioeconomic Inequality at the University of Bonn, 2018
  16. Travel grant to attend the LIS Introductory Workshop in Luxembourg, 2018
  17. ARC Student research praxis award ($4K), CUNY, Spring 2018
  18. Graduate Center Fellowship (tuition and stipend), CUNY 2016–2021
  19. Merit-based fellowship (tuition and stipend), Georgetown University, 2014–2015
  20. MA tuition fellowship (100%), FEN, Universidad de Chile, 2009
  21. Scholarship based on socioeconomic background, FEN, Universidad de Chile, 2004–2008
  22. Tuition fellowship (~50%) based on merit and SE background, Ministry of Education, 2004–2008
  23. Scholarship based on university admission test, Local Gov. of Cauquenes, 2004–2008

Talks (including scheduled)

  1. November 2024: LACEA Annual Meeting
  2. September 2024: 5th Meeting of the Society of Family and Gender Economics
  3. July 2024: Expanding LGBTI Economic Development and Empowerment Workshop
  4. June 2024: Conference on Equality of Opportunity and Intergenerational Mobility: A Global Perspective
  5. April 2024: Economics of LGBTQ+ Individuals Virtual Seminar
  6. January 2024: AEA Annual Meeting
  7. August 2023: Data-Intensive Research Conference
  8. July 2023: ISI World Statistics Congress
  9. July 2023: Tenth ECINEQ Meeting
  10. April 2023: Opportunity and Mobility Workshop (III at LSE)
  11. January 2023: AEA Annual Meeting (AEA’s poster session)
  12. November 2022: LACEA Annual Meetings
  13. October 2022: WIDER Development Conference in partnership with UNIANDES: Reducing inequality – the great challenge of our time
  14. September 2022: 16th North American Meeting of the Urban Economics Association
  15. August 2022: Stata Conference
  16. June 2022: Canadian Economics Association Conference
  17. May 2022: Universidad Diego Portales
  18. May 2022: Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference
  19. January 2022: AEA Annual Meeting (AEA’s poster session)
  20. December 2021: Second World Inequality Conference
  21. November 2021: Southern Economic Association
  22. November 2021: Bolivian Conference on Development Economics
  23. October 2021: LACEA Annual Meeting
  24. September 2021: CAF academic workshop RED 2022: Intergenerational mobility in Latin America
  25. August 2021: Development Bank of Latin America (CAF)
  26. July 2021: Ninth ECINEQ Meeting
  27. June 2021: Western Economic Association Annual Conference
  28. June 2021: Canadian Economics Association Conference
  29. May 2021: Jagiellonian University
  30. May 2021: Society of Labor Economists Annual Conference
  31. April 2021: Conference on Opportunities, Mobility, and Well-Being
  32. April 2021: Centro de Estudios Espinosa Yglesias
  33. March 2021: Midwest Economics Association
  34. March 2021: Social Mobility and Economic Performance Workshop (poster)
  35. March 2021: Western Economic Association Virtual International Conference
  36. December 2020: Stone Center on Socio-economic Inequality
  37. November 2020: Southern Economic Association
  38. October 2020: Missouri Valley Economic Association
  39. July 2020: Stata Conference
  40. June 2020: Western Economic Association International
  41. February 2020: Eastern Economic Association
  42. February 2020: NY Camp Econometrics (cancelled)
  43. December 2019: CGU Dissertation Workshop
  44. July 2019: Stata Conference Chicago
  45. May 2019: The World Bank (co-author)
  46. April 2019: GWU Student Research Conference
  47. March 2019: APPAM DC Regional Student Conference
  48. July 2018: LIS Summer Workshop
  49. July 2018: SSSI Bonn (poster)
  50. December 2014: XLIX CLADEA Conference (co-author)
  51. September 2012: Annual meeting of the Chilean Economic Society
  52. 2011-12-13: Central Bank of Chile


I’ve co-authored and published two new Stata commands and their associated papers. They address survey nonresponse and sample selection in quantile regressions.

kmr.ado (code paper)

This command implements Korinek, Mistiaen and Ravallion (2007). This command allows the user to estimate a micro compliance function using groups’ nonresponse rates, which can be used to correct survey weights for unit nonresponse. To install it within Stata type “net install st0634.pkg”.

qregsel.ado (code paper)

This command implements a copula-based sample selection correction for quantile regression recently proposed by Arellano and Bonhomme (2017). To install it within Stata type “ssc install qregsel”.